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Export Data

Export Data in Idealpos

Idealpos facilitates the exporting of various data values that may be useful in other programs or used in your own records.


When exporting data, there are no changes made to the live database but all exporting is recorded.

Depending on your business security this may be an option that you don’t want to allow all staff to have access to.


You can access the Export menu by going to Utilities > Export Data.



The data that you are able to export is broken down into nine different headings.

These are as follows:


It is also possible to export Customers from the database through the Enquiry Menu.


* Only available with additional licensing. You need to purchase the Web Reporting Module to access this function.



Go to Enquiry > Customers > Export.




Listings and Reports can be exported when all selections have been made from the selection menu and the report is viewed.

Go to Listings or Reports > Make selections > View > Export.


Department Sales

Stock Item Sales

Supplier Invoices and Credits

Stock Items


Special Prices

Financial Data

Other Data

